Hey All! Happy December,
Welcome to MITYO,
We are here to take your order. For those of you have just discovered mityo.com MITYO is our way of abbreviating May I Take Your Order! We are here to solve procurement and delivery issues across a variety of industry groups to increase productivity and ensure enhanced levels of compliance with government and industrial standards.
In the next few weeks we will be enhancing and increasing our product offerings on mityo.com if you have any questions please either email our CEO at jkrouse@mityo.com or reach out to us on our contact us page found here: https://mityo.com/pages/contact-us
Please stay in the loop and tune into mityo.com for product and content updates over the next couple of days.
The MITYO news blog is going to be our direct messaging to our customers, for future information please be sure to check http://mityo.com/news
Thank you for joining us to explore our products and we hope to help you create value for your businesses and locations so that you can continue to pursue great projects now and into the future.
Kind Regards,
Josh Krouse